Sunday, April 25, 2010

Two things one huge one not so huge.

Two days before my 38th birthday as I lay awake last night not being able to sleep and thinking I want to explore more of life. I made a decision I am going to check into my local college in Edinboro and see what they can offer me. I want to be a social worker as long as I can remember thats what I wanted to do. I am hoping that they and I can work around this little annoyance of the md. Please pray for me that I am doing the sensible thing.

The other thing is I have been asked to start a blog about my childhood and the things I experienced. I dont want to bring all that back but maybe someone could get hope and help from it. I am not sure I want to do this. I found out some time ago that Terry is dying and my mom wanted me to go make peace with him. I have no desire to make peace with him. I told my mom that I would probably just help him die faster. Therapy and just not thinking about that has been a huge help to me and I am in a good place in life. I just dont know.

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