Friday, February 20, 2009

Friends and what they say

I have struggled in my younger years with my disability. I was teased and tormented by kids and teachers trying to make me walk correctly gym was a nightmare untill 10th grade I had a gym teacher who cared who realized making me do sit ups and push ups timed was a nightmare I couldnt do them. So she had me do other things.

I finally stopped caring what people thought of me and my uniqueness but I have always wondered what my purpose on this earth was ,am I just here to raise my children and to be a good wife which I enjoy.

Then the other night as we were getting ready to go to bed my phone rang it was my good friend Janna who lives in New Jersey and drove 8 hours just to sleep on my couch to head back to NJ the very next morning. She is a diabetic with a very bad cold she said bina ( her nickname for me) I feel drunk and my roommate thinks I am I said what did you have to drink? Her reply was nyquil.

I told her to check her bloodsugar she wasnt making sense and she kept saying no its ok I am just going to bed. I told her that her blood sugar was probably high and she might be having a diabetic emergency.

She took it cause I scared her it was 460 I told her that she had two choices she could either get to an er or I would call an ambulance and she could go the er with them after I told them what her blood sugar was. She told me she would go and I went to bed ( I know nice friend).

Janna called me this morning and said that I saved her life. If she had gone to bed with her sugar that high she may have not waken up. I think she gives me to much credit. But after that comment I have to think I have a purpose other then being a wife and mom. I also did this with my mom except hers was blood pressure.

I dont know how to explain that I know these things I just do. It just gives me chills sometimes.
I believe through computer or in real life we can show people we care. I need to remember this when I am having a bad day and want to hide like yesterday. Have a good day all.


  1. We should all be here for each other. If we can't do that, we have no purpose, IMO. You definitely have a purpose with your family and friends. :)

  2. Just so anyone knows, I did not give her too much credit...probably didnt give her enough credit. She really argued with me that night about going to the ER...I wanted to go to sleep. She really did save my life.

    Regardless of what Bina says about herself, she is a wonderful and amazing person and I am all the more blessed to know her.

  3. You're an awesome friend and you should be proud of yourself. I am honored that you are one of my blogger friends.

  4. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. Its nice to have friends and family either on the pc or in real life
