Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Comments and how to take them.

There is a blog I read and I need how to learn to link because we are talking about the same thing comments and how to take them. Yesterday I had to call the Social Security Office and never being able to get through to the local office I called the 800 number.

I wont talk about about how the automated system cant get the last name of Rice but understands Vanderhoff (my moms maiden name). A guy comes on and takes my information and says to me dang girl your young what the heck are you doing on SSI. Several thoughts went through my head as I was surprised by his statement.

The First thought was rude and I didnt say it. The second thought was why is this guy questioning this and I did ask that and he said I didnt mean anything negative by it I was just trying to protect you. Which led me back the the first rude thought but again I didnt say it.

I said to him that if I had a choice to make and could pick work over trying to make a measly 200 dollars that I get most months some months none at all stretch I would rather work. I would rather not deal with the Musclar Dystrophy that tries to control my life.

I would not deal with pain or the guessing of am I going to sleep or not. I would rather not deal with the chance of falling outside and having the local police and ambulance crew help me up and check me out. That happened once.

Nor am I going to let him guilt me into feeling bad that I get a little bit of money from the government I look at this way Mike works Mike pays into this program I am not frauding the goverment by any means my disabilty is real. As I was explaining the diagnoses to this gentleman I got angry. Angry that I had to explain this. I asked for his supervisor and at this point he is apologizing all over himself.

Nothing is going to be done to this guy or at least I doubt it. His supervisor informed me that they get bogus claims all the time and there are people that will abuse the system. I understand that however I take issue with being treated as one of these people there are several ways I could cheat to get more money but I dont. I take Mikes paystubs into the local office way before they are due.

I request on 5 pay months that I dont get any money till the end of the month in case we are over the income which most cases we are. January being the exception cause his shop was closed for several days.

I feel really offended by this and I stood up for myself the best way I could and I was polite and tactful in doing it. Then it got me to thinking arent we all a little guilty of the same thing.

Let me explain before yall are calling for my head. How many times have we seen someone park in a handicapped spot and that person didnt look handicapped ( I know there is people who park there that shouldnt) but are actually disabled. How many times have we said to some one you dont need that much pain medication.

My friend and I were talking one day about Fiber Myalgia (sorry Lyn) if its spelled wrong, and how she said it was all in peoples minds and was not a real disease. I said to her you tell someone that has Fiber Myalgia that their pain isnt real and its in their head and see what happens. I believe doctors need to stop treating it as a mental disorder and start listening some are but that is my opinion.

I guess the whole point of this blog is we need to watch what we say and we need to stop judging people based on age or looks and treat people with curitsy and commonsense.


  1. Good post. It seems to me that we are a very judgmental society, as you point out here. I try to always expect the best of people, assume that others are what they seem, and believe in people in general. I'm not always right, and sometimes I get hurt because I trust so much. But I'd rather be hurt occasionally by someone than to live in distrust, fear of others, and angry all the time. That attitude hurts me, and it hurts ALL THE TIME.

    I understand that people working in positions like that interviewer have to filter out the bad seeds, but tact is essential. It's too bad that you have to go through so much every single month, but I'm glad you try to be honest. You'd think that with MD in your paperwork, they would "get it." I don't know why it is so hard for them to see. Honestly .... I'd hate that job.

  2. Thank You Lyn, I would hate that job also. Trust for me was a long time coming but I am there and I also try trust and believe in other people and yes sometimes I get hurt too, and you have to believe in people otherwise its not going to be a happy life.
