Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I am going to do some bragging

Please excuse me I am going to do some bragging. My wonderful great son bought home an awesome report card. First some history One reason we live where we live is because of the school district I had problems with another school district that tested J and told us he was developmentally delayed and would never live up to his potential. Me and Mike knew better in second grade they had J doing kindergarten work because the teacher didnt want to take the time to work with him.

We complained and the teacher said we should be happy he is making honor roll I said yes but he isnt being challenged.

We moved into our school district and we love it retested J and said he is not developmentally delayed he is a different learner. So we worked with the learning support teacher and J and his reg teachers came up with a plan and stuck to it. We never made excuses for him and always made him work to his potential and a little beyond at some times.

When he joined the fire dept one of the conditions was he had to keep up his grades. He has he knows if he doesnt turn in homework there will be problems. After school tutoring was mandatory last year this year we said and teachers agreed we will not make it manditory but if your grades start to slip then it will be.

Today was report card his nine week grading period GPA is 90.89

His grades are English 89 percent which is a B
Amer Cultures 92 percent which is an A
Foundations (math)99 percent which is an A
Global Science is an 79 percent which is a C
Theater Arts 85 percent which is a B
High school band 100 percent A
Gym 87 percent which is a B

Sarah made honor roll for the 3rd nine weeks she has made honor roll all grading periods this year so far and is trying to make it for the next grading period also. We tell the kids education is one of the best gifts you can receive yall will do your best and not waste this gift.

I am very proud of them.


  1. You have a right to be very proud of both kids. :)

  2. We are very proud of them both they work hard.
