Saturday, April 11, 2009


Since the great foot break of 2009 I have basically been in sweats, now I dont mind sweats once in awhile but in my heart of hearts I am a jeans girl love my jeans I feel funny going out in sweats but one does what they have to do.

Today I got up and went to get my trusty sweats and to my horror I didnt have any clean. So I pulled out a pair of jeans and said to myself as I was hobbling to the bathroom they wont go over the cast I should just give it up and stay in my nightshirt till I get some clean sweats.

But I tried the jeans and guess what they went over the cast its nice to have jeans on but the sweats are way more comfy to lounge around in. Plus I dont think I can wear the jeans to the orthapedic cause they will be in the way.

Its the small things that make me happy like knowing I can still wear the jeans in other words my bum has not expanded sitting on the loveseat. Only 17 more days in this cast sitting on the loveseat my next goal is a walking cast cross your fingers all.

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