Friday, May 1, 2009


Another jar of peanut butter fell victim to Pepper yesterday. I keep telling the children that live in this house to put it over by the breadmachine but I might as well talk to the wall for as much good as it does.

Apperently Pepper had help in the peanut butter cape Mr. Buford was so sick yesterday and everytime he threw up it smelled like peanut butter and he threw up everywhere. Couldnt even keep pepto down.

I was really worried last night thinking his stomach had twisted but he pooped so that relived my mind a little also ruled out an obstruction. I think he ate too much peanutbutter.

Today he is much better has kept a milk bone and some water down hasnt really tried to eat any food yet. I was so worried last night about him he snapped at the kittens and that is not him.

Its rainy and icky here I think we are going to take S out for supper J is at a freshman retreat.


  1. I wonder if he will make the connection between peanut butter and feeling so bad? Poor guy.

    As for the kids .... don't buy peanut butter again for a month or so, and I'll bet they remember to put it away!! LOL!

  2. LOL they will be scrubbing spots on the carpet where he puked. I bet that will help to. I havent tried to offer him peanut butter yet but will test this theory out in a day or so.
