Friday, May 8, 2009

Too tired to think of a title

In the last 48 hours me and Mike has maybe had a total of 6 hours sleep. My friends that is not a lot of sleep I am tired and cranky and sad and just a whole mess of emotions.

My mom in law the tough old bird(typed with love) is stubborn and still hanging on they with our assistance are keeping her comfortable.

There is all kinds of drama that we could do without going on some of it stupid some of it understandable but sad and stupid at the same time. Moms mom is upset and is pushing for a feeding tube and all that the boys and Mikes dad have said no we tried to explain that her living will did not want that.

So we are labeled as murderers and uncaring but that is okay they are big and can take it but if they keep demanding this from the dr and nurses at least Mikes aunt will be banned.

My mom on the other hand is on my last nerve (which is very short) she wants her house cleaned and is demanding that I let my children come over so they can clean her house.

Yes mom their grammy is going to join God anyday now and the kids want to go over to your house and clean. My brother told her that me and Mike have enough on our plates to deal with then driving and picking up kids.

My mom also thinks its wrong for the kids to be at the hospital they understand grammy is dying and she left her body Sunday and they are okay with it. I would like to think that its a comfort to have the kids there.

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes and please continue to pray that she will go join God.

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