Saturday, June 20, 2009

Graduation party and princess trouble

S has her own cell phone with texting and the rule is that me and her dad will look at all texts before they are deleated from the kids phones well I think the princess in this house has been sending mean and nasty texts to one of J's friends and as soon as her battery is charged this will be verified and someone is going to be in big trouble and her phone priviledges are going to be suspended. Ah pre teens got to love them.

We went to my nieces graduation party today we almost had to have an ark to get there there has been a ton of rain in our area the last two days. Tomorrow we are going to a fathers day picnic then dropping J off at a local college for 5 days for camp cadet. I am going to miss him taking care of ms evilness and its going to be a long week lol please pray for me and Pepper lol. Still in love with my contacts I need to go take them out here in a bit though.

Hope everyone is having a good and not so wet weekend


  1. "Mean Girls." What is it about teenagers (and tweens) these days? I was either oblivious or kids were not so mean when I was a kid. God luck.

  2. I dont know Lyn but I can promise this I am not going to have it or tolerate it in this house. I was a target of "mean girls" and she will not be one.
