Friday, July 31, 2009


Well my brother said lets go out by moms and practice driving I said okay I was scared to death to drive out there cause there are some steep hills that starts another hill with amish buggies hidden down in the hills.

Well I survived so did Bubba and his car no amish buggies were harmed and I conqured a busy road and crossed over to get to a restraunt. Bubba smoked a lot and tried to yell and I told him that making me nervous was not a good idea. I did have a little bit of trouble backing out of my moms driveway but no one is perfect till they have practice.

Its not overwhelming at all the manual makes it seem that way but its not hope everyone is going to have a great weekend


  1. Practice, practice, practice! It will become easier with time. :)

  2. I hope so but I have to say I enjoyed this

  3. Like I said on FB....I was watching the news tonight and they had a breaking news story about someone speeding down the highway followed by about a dozen cops. It was you....wasn't it?? :)

  4. It was me them pesky cops are so picky... I am trying to really raise our insurance ,news helicopters are nosy lol
