Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I am not sure what a title should be
My dear cousin died Sunday night he was more like an uncle then a cousin Me and my other cousin April are in charge of the reunion and we thought instead of sending flowers from the florist we would just donate 30 dollars to the John Kanizus Research fund . I am not to do that until there is a vote in August we were told not to do anything there is more to that situation but I dont want to get into it all.
I also seen the Orthapedic today I have four more weeks on the loveseat which I am not surprised by. What he did say that has me concerned is he doesnt see any clafication on the breaks he is going to give it four weeks and re x ray it and if he still does not see any clafication on the x rays we may have to talk surgery I dont want to talk surgery he reenforced the cast its now purple and white.
I cancelled Easter dinner. Mike will cook a ham but I dont want to fuss with everyone being here and the mess to be cleaned up by the kids or Mike and that is how it usually is me cleaning up after a big meal. My mom is not happy about this I also told her its to hard to get into her house. I am not going to feel sad cause she is not happy.
Well sorry for the depressing post but that is how it is today
Monday, March 30, 2009
It take very little to make me happy!!!!!!!!1
The great state of Pa has decided that the reduced cobra payment is cost effective. Talking to the caseworker today she said if we have known you were going to break your foot we would have paid all long. BCBS will be retroactive to March 1st.
And we got a little snow maybe 2 inches that fact doesnt make me happy but it could have been a lot worse. There was a bad accident that was heard on the scanner a suv verses a pepsi semi truck we are praying the suv driver is going to be ok. From the sound of the scanner it was bad and life flight was not available do to the fog in Erie.
Maybe more later . Have a good day all
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Politics with my mom
Score one for me lol. She still says Bush did more for her and the country I disagree with that statement what he did was get us in a war for 6 years. He hasnt helped the economy. Which she kind of agreed with that but then went on to say that if President Clinton would have left the housing market alone then there wouldnt be all the foreclosures.
I pointed out if Clinton hadnt changed housing rules me and Mike would have not been able to buy our house. I did not like President Clinton either. But his policys wasnt all that bad just not a very moral person but who are we to judge on that front. Onto a new topic
This week in our house is the week known as not seeing much of J week Monday he starts ROPES class through the fire dept
Tuesday its Robotics
Wensday its Band after school till 8 30 he has a district wide concert
Thursday is Fire school
Friday and Saturday its Robotics with a Robotic competion all day Saturday
with all of his school work on top of this list that he has to keep up we expect him to at least keep a c average but right now he is carying and 92.7 gpa which we are impressed with. He wants to sign up for the volunteer ambulance in town and marching band we said yes to marching band cause we just shelled out 800 over two years for a trumpet
We said no to the Ambulance sign up right now he has to much on his plate and we dont and him oerwhelmed plus he has camp cadet coming up. He is one busy kid,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Reason number 1 why I love President Obama
When Mike was laid off the state decided it would NOT cover our cobra payment and we would just have state coverage which is fine but not as good as bcbs although we are greatful for any health insurance I know there are a lot of families out there that have nothing there were some things that made us shake our heads. First was I had to get approval for an MRI on the foot. Second I got a notice yesterday they denied payment on my air cast boot thing that I will have to wear for another 6 weeks once the hard cast comes off (thoughts on that another day). The third and most annoying was they had to preapprove one of Mikes prescriptions which took like 6 weeks.
The doctor we have gave him samples which was good but what if the drs office was out?
In todays mail we got a letter from the insurance company that bcbs is billed through saying that because of the stimulas package we are lowering the cobra payment from over a 1000 dollars to around 400 I will call my caseworker at that assitance office and ask them if it would be cost effective for us to have bcbs back instead of just relying on the state coverage.
I am crossing my fingers that they say yes and they will pay the COBRA payment if not then we will just continue with state coverage.
A conversation in my house
S. Mom your so obssessed with my teeth could you just leave them alone.
Me wanting to ducttape her somewhere there is almost 3000 dollars of metal and work going into the mouth I am not just going to leave you alone.
S. rolls her eyes and says something along the line of they are her teeth.
little over 30 minutes after she brushes teeth she wants to go with her friends that I have never meant to a spot and wait for a couple boys the girls were to meet with and me and her dad say no way no how and not in this lifetime. Which brings another fit on with words coming out of her mouth like you dont trust me and the all time favorite their parents let them do it.
Sorry little one we are not comfortable with this and your not doing it. Our house our rules. I am pretty sure from what she says that she does not like the boys but still I dont know these girls and its asking for trouble. I dont think I am going to survive her attitude
Friday, March 27, 2009
Pepper and her bad bad ways.

1 half full jar of peanut butter lid chewed off and jar licked clean.
2 bowls from the kitchen chewed up
1 package of 6 cookies sprung from their container and ate with crumbs all over the dining room
1 package of dog treat jerky chewed up and devoured.
1 bag of cat nip destroyed she now has cats that will be her friends for life the cats have been rolling in it. The catnip surprised me.
Its a good thing she is cute and loved cause it would be so easy to find her a new home but i still have to remember to remind people not to leave things on the counter.
Cnn made me smile
Dogs cause the most with cats causing 11 percent.
Hmm I am thinking two things people should not be laughing at me for doing this and second and most important I am not alone. Yaaaaaay me
Only if we could teach our pets to put there toys up. My next fall I invision is going to be cause I tripped over a cat ball which I have came close to do a couple times but luckly I was able to catch myself.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I got out of the house last night and got a free book!!!
S came in sobbing holding a hand that in the middle was twice the size of the other hand. Seems like there was misbehaviour in the kitchen involving my two wonderful tadpoles and their uncle.
Apperently bubba flicked S and S retellated with a flick of her own and not to be left out J untied S's strings on the back of her shirt. Which resulted in S trying to hit J and instead hit the kitchen chair instead. Kids got to love them and the state says its illegal to duct tape them to the basement walls ( I should let the state deal with these two for awhile and maybe that will be overturned) we put ice on said hand and nothing and she is not moving the fingers.
So being the good parents that we are say we probably should take her into the er just to make sure nothing is broke. As I am sitting there with my foot propped up on the walker waiting for our turn this lady asks me if I read I say all the time. She handed me this book and its called Skylight Confessions by Alice Hoffman. A review of this book tomorrow it was awesome. I read almost a 100 pages before we left the er. Boy it takes a long time to read a Xray. Nothing broken that they can tell its to stay wrapped fora couple days and if its not any better off to the orthapedic dr.
So the females in the Rice household are injured. That leaves the men folk to fend for us. God hlep us.
I will pass this book on just like it was past on to me. I have decided I like boredoom and loveseat life for the moment.More tomorrow Have a good day all
Stay tuned for Peppers evilness also.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
AIG bonuses
On the other hand if the bonuses went to people that didnt cause this mess and was promised them by the people that did cause this mess its a different story right? I read the letter in the NY times by the one executive. Dont get me wrong I am not sticking up for these people it is IMO wrong to take money from a company that needs tax payer money to help it function.
Lets use an example say I got government money to pay my house payment to stop it from being foreclosed on then went out and bought a yacht people would be calling for my head and rightly so.
So what is the right answer here I say return the bonuses then name the executives that created the giant mess that AIG is in.
In other news I am trying to pick my old favorite movie. That is hard I am down to four.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
At the moment they are paying respect to Chuck Jones who helped make the merry melodies cartoons the ones that they are playing are from the 1939 and 40 year. Boy how bugs has changed over the years and elmer also. I am recording this to show my children what cartoons were.
So what is your favorite old movie. I will give my answer later.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Nothing going on
Well that is all for now. It will get more interesting when I can get out and about I hope lol.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Police in Oakland California
J wants to become an officer I dont want him to but I cant always protect him.
Not much else going on here its been a quite lazy weekend. How was your weekend.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Jay Leno and other musings

Did anyone watch Obama on the late show with Jay? I did am I offended at his joke about bowling no I am not. I think as a country we have became way to politly correct there 90 comments in my local paper calling for his head. He was just showing his human side. Would I be offended if it wasnt someone who I supported the answer is honeslty no. I can relate to his frustration with bowling my score on the wii is not much better but I did bowl a 203 the other day and that is sitting down lol.
My brother bubba who is staying here bought J a cool pocketwatch its got the fire dept embelem on it. He will love it.
S had a great orthadonist appt she is not calling for his head today and from what Mike says he is going to attach a bracket to a 12 year molar and try to save it. 11 days untill I see the orthapedic and he said I may loose my cast if everything looks great. So cross your fingers everything looks good.\
Well that is all I have for the day Happy first day of spring to everyone.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
First I want to start with is Rush Limbaugh and his big fat mouth. Now I know that Rush doesnt know me and I shouldnt take his comments personally but I did. What it boils down is he wants Obama to fail. Obama who is trying to rescue the economy, he is trying to rescue the housing market and restore jobs. I am ashamed to admit I am a registered republican but voted for Obama. Mike is laid off at the moment we are one check away from loosing our house. This idiot wants Obama to fail so more people can fall and loose their houses I say get a life to Mr Limbaugh or better yet. Tell your kids that there is no food tonight for supper cause you had to pay a house payment that you cant afford cause your laid off.
Next topic AIG people are outraged because this company that had to have billions of goverment money not to collapse and spin the entire united states into a big dark hole more then what it is. Last night on the news they reported that Catepillar is cutting another 2400 jobs Mike commented well he wont be called back anytime soon.
Then people are bitching cause the goverment wants the names of people who got millions of dollars in bonuses which should have been illegal to hand out in the first place.Hell I want the names and addresses of the people that received the bonuses I would be one of the first ones to send them hate mail.
Then there is the lovely Ann Coulter who thinks Sarah Palin is the best thing since sliced bread. If I hear anymore about her and the family drama that has been in the news Okay a show of hands how many people that read my blog (yeah I know not that many) thought Bristol Palin and her boyfriend would actually make it work after the baby came. I am surprised Mike is still alive after James came and we are married and not 18 and attending high school. Ann is full of hate and should be ducttaped the republican party in my eyes are 110 percent responsible for this mess. Okay maybe the democrats deserve some of the blame also. But I know one thing Its time for people who are not helping or offering ideas on how to change this to shut their mouths and let someone who is trying succeed in this. Former President Bush was quoted in the newspaper the other day and he said that Obama deserves his silence not his critizsm I totally agree now if other people would just follow suit.
Sorry this was so bitchy but that is what has been on my mind lately
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
My 100th post and other mindless ramblings
J is walking his dog and seems fine with his groundment either he is growing up or he really wants to go to camp cadet which is moving along nicely got his physical set up for May 1st this is turning out to be expensive. Medicaid wont pay for his physical because he had a physcical a year ago on the 15th of May and all the paperwork has to be turned in on may 8 not even a week grrr. On his front he has managed to save 30 dollars towards this yaaaaaay.
We have a front moving in and its driving my foot and leg nuts I try not to take the vicadin but lately its been my friend. I was telling Mike I hope I can give it up when this all done some of my family as (mom, brother) have addiction issues although I am not to worried about it. I was able to leave the demoral at the hospital after the hystorectomy. My old neighbor is going into a nursing home Thursday or Friday to start rehab. I want to do a post about Rush Limbaugh and his idiocy and I cant believe people listen to him and AIG and the bonuses they handed out. But last night in the news they said Catipillar was cutting another 2500 jobs. Mike said its going to be awhile before he gets called back because one of the major companies that he makes parts for is Catipillar. More on this topic tomorrow.
Have a great day all
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
almost 100 post and teenagers I dont think I will survive
The next topic Teenagers got to love them. (not) lol. My wonderful 15 year old son J has been a great help. So we are trying to give him more priviledges and freedom but as they say 1 step forward 3000 steps back. His jr chief called last night around 7 and asked if J and pepper could walk with her and we said fine. So about an hour J brings pepper back and asks to go back out walking we said fine again and told him to be home at 8:45.
He calls and says hi mom we are running into Meadville for some Long John Silvers will be home at 9 at the latest we are not happy about this but glad he called. 10:30 and he is still not home. He comes in at quarter to 11 and says that we tell him that he is way past curfew for a school night and will talk about groundment tomorrow then he says that is unfair. We tell him that is life we will survive this he will survive this. But for now no matter how much this sucks he will be serving out the sentence and its not all that bad a week no going anywhere except to walk pepper. We explained it was not worse because he called and we knew he was safe. I dont think I am going to like the whole dating thing for S when it hits nor for J. Well that is all
Monday, March 16, 2009
38 lessons to live by
Life isn't fair, but it's still good
When in doubt, just take the next small step.
Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
Pay off your credit cards every month.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
Love your parents because they will be gone before you know it.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
It's OK to let your children see you cry.
Don't compare your life to others' lives. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful.
Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
The most important sex organ is the brain.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?
Always choose life.
Forgive everyone everything.
Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
Believe in miracles.
God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.
Your children get only one childhood.
All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
This is a great advice and I hope everyone can live with it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Some excitement and possibly world war 3
Second last night in my small town of about 1500 we heard a traffic stop on the scanner and didnt think anymore about it. Mike was out for a smoke and the police went through doing about 90 the guy he pulled over decided to run. The guy running lost all of his tires and the police officer wrecked but thankfully is just fine. The officers in my small town are awesome they do a grea job keeping our town safe and the kids know that our chief has an open door policy if there is something bothering them they can go to him no questions and as much as it can stays with him. The officer got the guy who we found out had felony warrents in Pa along with Montanna.
Okay onto WW3 my mom in law who I love dearly wants to bring my sister in law out to help clean. I dont love my sister in law dearly like I do my mother in law neither does Mike. Mike and the kids have done a wonderful job keeping the house clean but my MIL thinks its time to start spring cleaning we have asked her to please not to bring Karen out (sil) I dont need the snide remarks about how she can do everything while taking care of 3 boys her care and my care are two different things by the way. My mil said something to Mike about it and Mike told her he also did not want Karen out here and she will be asked to leave if she does. There is a lot of history there and when S was really sick Karen told different people I was making her sick and she doubted S belonged to Mike. I dont need the drama I dont need the rude comments. She is welcome here with Mikes brother but I dont need her help right now. Well that is all Have a great day
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I am not Contagious!!!!!!!
Well when I broke my foot she bought supper over a couple times and let me borrow the shower stool. I called lastnight to just chat for a couple minutes and her husband said did you check your email and I said no why. He said she tried to top you. She did and she won I am not competing cause I dont want to top her.
She fell coming out of a pizza place dislocated her right ankle and broke several bones in her foot turns out today they found she broke her left leg and several bones in the left foot. She had surgery this morning I havent heard how she is doing tonight. Please say some prayers for her
Friday, March 13, 2009
I called my caseworker to see why this changed and she said to me Mrs Rice I will do this one time but from now on you need to call the 800 number the 800 tells me to call caseworker. I told Mike wait a minute I am her client I deserve to be helped its not that I call her all the time with little questions. I am sorry they are short staffed they need to hire more people that know what they are doing. I think its very rude for her to take that attitude with me.
I wish I could report her attitude with me but again I am not sure where to call maybe I will call the 800 number and see what they say. More on this later.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Todays Mail
I have a curio cabinet, china cabinet and a hutch full of them. I love them when I was little and wanted to escape it would always included carousels infact I have one in my bedroom that says always believe in your dreams. I have several plates and a clock and shelves that are carousels.
The other thing I am going to talk about is J and his summer plans he signed up for camp cadet and they sent us the application and medical stuff the cost is 110 dollars. Mike said we really cant afford that then he said but really the question is can we really not afford to send him meaning the money would be well spent. J has made it known if he doesnt join the military then he is going to college for criminal justice and becoming a police officer. So I think we will spend money to send him to this.
That is all I have for today
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Grocery Shopping
I couldnt help thinking welcome to my world. As I sit here in the living room and he is trying to get the children to do what they are suppose to be doing while trying not to burn supper oh how the roles have changed. I really appricate his help. He has really been a life saver. Thats all I have.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
School Security
I understand we live in a small town and a low crime area but still. I would rather Mike be annoyed wih having to show some id or something then them just taking him at his word and signing the kids out. What if we were divorced and there was a custody issue. Its just scary that is all I have for today.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Annoyance with Taco Bell
I know that its all in fun but its disrespectful to protray women as eating to much or using their bellies to hide food. I hope taco bell sees the error of their ways. Wow two posts in one day I must be bored.
A headline in my local paper

Bubba said the guy called and wanted the girlfriend to bail him out I thought that guy has a lot of nerve. Second I didnt have any flashbacks. It amazed me I have healed and for that fact I am glad that is a hard burden to carry. Am I still sensitive to the issue yes does my heart go out to these women and kids who find themselves in this situation you bet. Can I forgive my mom for putting us throught that life maybe.
But I will still be guarded with my children cause she is still friends with the guy that was her abuser. And the little girl in me has realized that my mom will always put my mom first and there is nothing I can do to change that and I have to accept that fact. Life is good when the lessons are finally learned. Hope yall have a good day
Sunday, March 8, 2009
So what are your plans for this Sunday.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
My mom
I told her I had to leave at 2.30 and she got upset with me she said she didnt even know why she bothered to come over. Then threw a bigger fit when I told her S couldnt go home with her. I said mom I need her here to help me. Then wanted to know when S was getting her hair cut I told her when S wants her hair cut then she would be getting it cut. But I am not going to force it she takes care of it and its her decision.
She told my brother she wasted gas cause she thought I would let S go home with her gee mom thank you for coming over to check on me. I am not going to let it get to me although yesterday it kind of bothered me
Friday, March 6, 2009
My doctors appt
At least 3 more weeks in the cast. He said possibly another month I think I will bury my head and cry. It is so hard to not to be active and be waited on. But I will behave and stay off it cause I dont want the surgery. I am feeling kind of down. But my hubby has been wonderful and my neighbor who had to move bought supper over for us tonight. That is all hope everyone had a good day.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The things I have learned on the loveseat
1. Pepper seems to be my best friend (maybe some guilt) she will lay beside me all day on the floor and also tries to trip me walking.
2. I could probably commit the perfect murder and get away from it. And if
I did get caught I could probably mount my own defense from watching cold case, csi's and all the law and orders.
3. The kittens in this house can tell when your going to eat and will be your best friends especially the females.
4. The sun is nice to see through the windows.
5.There is a lot of pet hair on the carpet from not being vacuumed regulary.
6. Mike has embraced the fend for yourself night.
7. Tiggs our older male cat doesnt like the kittens.
8. I love the laptop.
That is all I have for now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A barbie Headline on MSN
The other headline that caught my attention was in West Virginia there is a lawmaker and I believe his name is Jeff Daniels who has submitted a bill to outlaw Barbie in his state. I went on to read that he believes that Barbie leads girls to focus on physical beauty and not intelligence. I take issue with this statement first of all Barbie is a toy used for imagantion as mom who has several naked barbies upstairs I can safely say my daughter has never said I want to be pretty like Barbie and let her schoolwork and all that go to focus on her looks.
Infact she has made honor roll all of last year and every grading period this year and is carrying straight A's. Is Barbies body image unrealistic yes. Should we outlaw it no. If he is going to pick on Barbie how about say Angelina Jolie or all of the other hollywood stars that look like they havent eaten forever.
Why not just believe that playing with barbies are fun and parents (gasp their jobs) can empower their children to be all they can be. (No the army is not paying me lol). My daughter if she chooses to can continue to play with her barbies. I aslo want to point out barbie has had several careers such as a doctor or a vet, secetary, nurse and such. I believe that this lawmaker needs more things to do.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Annoyance and a human experiment
Okay on to my human experiment we went to walmart Mike needed to pick up pet supplies and some other things. I used a cart and people actually stopped before walking in front of me. Did they see the cast maybe. It shouldnt matter cast or not people should not walk out in front of one driving a cart its rude and dangerous. Well that is all I have for now. Oh one more thing the dafodils are poking up. YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
shower update
Second I took a shower tonight only because directv is coming tomorrow to do a hd hookup. The shower sleave I wore worked wonders. YYYaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
Boring loveseat life and pictures
Sunday, March 1, 2009
A new cast
He said that later down the road I may have to have some surgery. We will cross that bridge when we come to it. It was nice getting out of the soggy one.
Shower good cast wet bad
Grrrrrrrrrrr. Thanks to my wonderful neighbor who moved for bringing me a showerchair they work very well. My husband is picking on me saying you will do almost anything to get out of that wont you. I have learned a soaked cast not all that fun or comfortable. Later all