Monday, March 23, 2009

Nothing going on

My blogger friend Caroline is having blogging problems such as what to blog about there is nothing but calmness going on. I have the same problem I dont know how much more yall can take of me and life on the loveseat. I am trying to compile a 100 thing list. So dont mind if things are a little slow here. I havent heard anything from news that is interesting and Rush Limbaugh hasnt pissed me off lately

Well that is all for now. It will get more interesting when I can get out and about I hope lol.


  1. Well, I know how my readers feel. I hope you will continue to blog. I do plan on blogging, but probably just not everyday.

    Giving up blogging...what the hell was I thinking??? :)

  2. Caroline I am going to continue to blog its just I dont know some days what to blog about I am glad you are going to keep blogging

  3. We all go through those slow blog periods, but I'm guessing you have more challenge in your state of growing roots from your tushy into the love seat! Don't give up! you'll be up, chasing after the kids, cats, dogs, and perhaps the hub soon enough!

  4. LOL your awesome Lyn but i suspect you already know this!!!!!!!!!
