Tuesday, March 17, 2009

almost 100 post and teenagers I dont think I will survive

I realized last night then the next post will be the 100th post. I will have to find something special to blog about. In loveseat news we got notice that our housepayment will be going down yaaaay.

The next topic Teenagers got to love them. (not) lol. My wonderful 15 year old son J has been a great help. So we are trying to give him more priviledges and freedom but as they say 1 step forward 3000 steps back. His jr chief called last night around 7 and asked if J and pepper could walk with her and we said fine. So about an hour J brings pepper back and asks to go back out walking we said fine again and told him to be home at 8:45.

He calls and says hi mom we are running into Meadville for some Long John Silvers will be home at 9 at the latest we are not happy about this but glad he called. 10:30 and he is still not home. He comes in at quarter to 11 and says that we tell him that he is way past curfew for a school night and will talk about groundment tomorrow then he says that is unfair. We tell him that is life we will survive this he will survive this. But for now no matter how much this sucks he will be serving out the sentence and its not all that bad a week no going anywhere except to walk pepper. We explained it was not worse because he called and we knew he was safe. I dont think I am going to like the whole dating thing for S when it hits nor for J. Well that is all


  1. Kids, kids, kids. I'm glad I've done my time, and now I can chuckle about people like you!!! LOL!

  2. I am so glad I don't have kids. I am not sure I would survive having teenagers. I have like no patience.

    Did you get the email for the invite to my blog? I had put your com instead of net on your address. Sorry about the mix-up.

  3. Lyn thank you for the moral support lol.
    Caroline, I am not sure I am going to survive this either I keep getting greyer and greyer.
