Wednesday, March 25, 2009

AIG bonuses

This is a tricky subject on one hand I am angry with them that we are struggling and they are getting millions of dollars in bonuses when they were irresponsible just to clarify I mean all the people.

On the other hand if the bonuses went to people that didnt cause this mess and was promised them by the people that did cause this mess its a different story right? I read the letter in the NY times by the one executive. Dont get me wrong I am not sticking up for these people it is IMO wrong to take money from a company that needs tax payer money to help it function.

Lets use an example say I got government money to pay my house payment to stop it from being foreclosed on then went out and bought a yacht people would be calling for my head and rightly so.

So what is the right answer here I say return the bonuses then name the executives that created the giant mess that AIG is in.

In other news I am trying to pick my old favorite movie. That is hard I am down to four.


  1. Most, if not all, those people who got bonuses are making enough on a regular basis to return the bonuses. Period. If I were in their positions, I would return it in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to establish my lack of greed. However, many in those positions simply are greedy. Period.

  2. I agree Lyn I would have returned it also. But we seem to do the right things and these people dont I guess that is how the world goes
