Sunday, March 29, 2009

Politics with my mom

I knew it would be a heated discussion and it was but I think I may have won. My mom is a McCain supporter here in this house we support Obama. I was telling my mom about our reduced Cobra insurance payment which kind of impressed her.

Score one for me lol. She still says Bush did more for her and the country I disagree with that statement what he did was get us in a war for 6 years. He hasnt helped the economy. Which she kind of agreed with that but then went on to say that if President Clinton would have left the housing market alone then there wouldnt be all the foreclosures.

I pointed out if Clinton hadnt changed housing rules me and Mike would have not been able to buy our house. I did not like President Clinton either. But his policys wasnt all that bad just not a very moral person but who are we to judge on that front. Onto a new topic

This week in our house is the week known as not seeing much of J week Monday he starts ROPES class through the fire dept

Tuesday its Robotics

Wensday its Band after school till 8 30 he has a district wide concert

Thursday is Fire school

Friday and Saturday its Robotics with a Robotic competion all day Saturday

with all of his school work on top of this list that he has to keep up we expect him to at least keep a c average but right now he is carying and 92.7 gpa which we are impressed with. He wants to sign up for the volunteer ambulance in town and marching band we said yes to marching band cause we just shelled out 800 over two years for a trumpet

We said no to the Ambulance sign up right now he has to much on his plate and we dont and him oerwhelmed plus he has camp cadet coming up. He is one busy kid,

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