Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Annoyance and a human experiment

We had a directv appt scheduled for 12 to 4 so Mike left to do Chester's shopping ( our old man that lives a couple houses down) I figured I had awhile before I had to be up and downstairs. The directv dude calls me at 10 am and says Mrs.Rice I am 15 minutes away can we do your appt early are you going to be home. Yes home downstairs no and its going to take me more then 15 minutes and downstairs. I am annoyed that he would call being that close to the house with no notice. Oh well hd is hooked up and we are enjoying it. Mike was back in time just in time though.

Okay on to my human experiment we went to walmart Mike needed to pick up pet supplies and some other things. I used a cart and people actually stopped before walking in front of me. Did they see the cast maybe. It shouldnt matter cast or not people should not walk out in front of one driving a cart its rude and dangerous. Well that is all I have for now. Oh one more thing the dafodils are poking up. YYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Have you tried sitting down and scooting down one step at a time to get downstairs? I just thought of that.

    Daffodils??? They must be 4 feet tall to be poking through your snow!! LOL! I LOVE daffodils!

  2. all of our snow is melted and we see green grass. LOL. I have thought about scooting down but it would require Mike helping me up which he would do but right at the bottom of the steps is tile flooring and it would make it harder I come down one step at a time very carefully which works.only 5 more weeks in this cast lol.
